
Breast cancer – Awareness is must

by: ashlynbaul
Breast cancer affects women of all ages. That is why it is important to know about breast cancer signs and what action should be taken if you experience any of them.
A lump, one which does not feel like the surrounding tissue, is often the first of several breast cancer signs. This is why it's important to do a regular self exam, because early detection is important. If you pay attention to breast cancer signs, you can have any symptoms investigated early on, and the sooner you are diagnosed, the more likely you are to triumph over this awful disease.

If you begin to notice abnormalities on your breast, you need to get checked. Know your body so you can give yourself self-examinations. A sign of breast cancer is a lump in the breast or armpit area. Sometimes these lumps are the beginning of breast cancer, but may or may not be cancerous yet. These lumps may be removed by a simple operation. Other symptoms that may be detected during the self examination are the following: thickening in the breast or arm pit area.

One way to secure ourselves against it, especially for women since they are the ones greatly affected, is to gain significant knowledge about the condition. Early signs of the cancer can be determined by performing basic routines that can even be taught informally. Thus it is very important for one to be replete with enough ideas about breast cancer.

It has even been suggested that cancer might not be a disease at all but a response by the immune system or a symptom caused by the immune systems inability to cope with an overload of toxins. Its even been suggested that a tumour might be the only way that the immune system can hold back abnormal cells by isolating clumps. That sounds pretty radical but we do know that many people die from cancer after all tumours have been removed.

Chiropractic care utilizes the technique of adjusting spinal vertebrae to restore the proper flow of the nerve impulses. Doctors of Chiropractic consider a spine free of misalignment and the free-flow of nerves to all areas of the human body essential in maintaining optimum health. A variety of approaches and techniques are utilized n the filed of chiropractic care.

Surgery and radiation therapy are most effective when the tumor is localized to the breast and can be easily removed. Benign tumors and small sized tumors are treated in this way. The latest treatments on breast cancer include advances in chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and biologic therapy. These are used in advanced stages of cancer when the tumor is no longer confined just to the breast. They are used in metastatic cancer which has spread to other parts of the body as well.

While having breast cancer itself is hard enough, the treatments that a woman must undergo can also be quite challenging to both mind and body. Whether a woman faces surgical treatments (such as a mastectomy or a lumpectomy), chemotherapy, drugs, or another type of treatment, treatments can be very hard on the body.

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Source: http://www.myarticle.com

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