By Sandeep Malhautra
Some hearing aids accessories are really a necessity to keep your investment clean and dry- for instance, a storage case is something most people will want to buy. Of course, you definitely need to buy a quality accessory to go with your device- a decent case can mean the difference between a broken hearing aid and a “whew” moment.
Because hearing aids are so expensive, it pays to protect them and keep them in the best shape you possibly can. This certainly includes regular cleaning to maintain peak functionality with pit stops along the way to your Audiologist for more thorough cleaning and fine tuning to suit your hearing loss.
One interesting accessory is a tether that stops the device from falling and taking damage. This kind of hearing aid accessory is great for kids who may be apt to have them fall out during play. This way, the parent’s investment is covered and the child is not without their hearing aid.
Another fun thing for children is the special kinds of clips that are available to cover the device and can be decorated so that the child’s hearing aid is not a focal point, should they feel self conscious. Hey, if they have to have a hearing aid, at least it can be made to look cool to their friends.
For older patients, this may not be necessary- however both older and younger patients can take advantage of having their assistive device molded in their favorite color or even multicolored. If you’re using two hearing aids, have one made in a slightly different shade to help you remember which is right and left at a glance.
Sports like swimming need their own hearing aid accessories. These are designed to keep water out of the ear canal, which is beneficial particularly for those who have had tubes put in their ears. Remember that keeping water out of your hearing aids is crucial! Remember never to use water when you clean your hearing aids as well.
In fact, humidity in your own ear canal can affect your hearing aids- if you find that this is the case you can use a small dehumidifier to eliminate this after cleaning (which is best done after each use to prevent buildup of ear wax and moisture).
One of the top hearing aid accessories for music lovers is Bluetooth capability. This allows you to sync your hearing aid up with your cell phone, or other device to play music wirelessly without bothering others. One day this will likely be quite common, but this option is currently chiefly available in the higher priced models.
If you’re going to exercise with your hearing aids in, here’s one hearing aid accessory you might not have thought about: a sweat band (have to protect the delicate innards of your assistive device). It only really takes a minute to take a little extra caution.
Hopefully, you’re seeing a theme with this article: hearing aid accessories don’t have to be boring, should be high quality and should protect the device.
Hopefully, you’ve found some good and helpful information in my article that will assist you in choosing hearing aids accessories.
You’ll find plenty of information on hearing aids accessories plus lots more great information at the Center for hearing aid (Hearing Aids Delhi) website.
Center for Hearing Aids
Sandeep MalhautraE-32, Hauz Khas MarketNew Delhi - 110016, INDIAVisit: http://www.hearingaidsdelhi.comCall at : 0091 9810074489
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